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Feb 18, 2020

Anthony Taylor is the principal and lead strategic planning facilitator at SME Strategy. He is an entrepreneur with over 10 years, running his own business while working with companies in various industries.


In 2016 he was chosen as a Global Entrepreneurship Week ambassador for Canada and SME Strategy was awarded the Palme Blue for "Microenterprise of the year" from the French Chamber of Commerce.


In this episode, Anthony shares how he helps leadership teams get aligned goals through strategic off-site planning sessions, coaching, project management, and leadership best practices. 


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:


  • Learn to create a clear vision of your organization’s future success through strategic planning
  • Discover what happens when you align and involve your team in your strategic planning
  • Know the steps to put your strategic plan into practice

If you don’t feel like you have a clear direction, get a strategy meeting, get it off-site to specifically talk about your vision, purpose, values. Because if you don’t, then you’re going to get frustrated, you’re not going to be successful because how could you be successful if you don’t know what success looks like.” 

- Anthony Taylor



Valuable Free Resource from Anthony Taylor

Are you evaluating strategic planning for your organization?

Download 15 Strategic Planning Questionnaire that will help guide your pre-planning process.



Key Takeaways:

  • “If success was in place, how would we know if we got there.“
  • If you're managing people, how can you be successful? If you don't know where you're going?”


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